...The Greatest Generation
Served in WWII - Stateside, Germany, Italy, North Africa
...Vietnam The End of War
"... and after countless brave Americans were tragically cut down in their prime, the nation was forced to surrender by proxy on April 30, 1975. Amidst the chaos and loss, Lyndon Johnson and other corrupt leaders and politicians of the Vietnam era amassed their fortunes, leaving a legacy of betrayal and greed. The enduring pain of those living with the wounds of war serve as a haunting reminder of the true cost of this senseless conflict."
. . . On Photos and Memories
"If you don't think photos are important, wait until they are all you have left." - Miss LeloB on X
. . . About a Perishable Commodity
"Unless preserved through pictures, stories and records, the rich legacy of our ancestors can fade with time, taking with it the essence of who we are." - A. Ojeda